To continue with the information of the last blog, I would like to share this with you:

My mother has been in a nursing home in  the Alzheimer's department for 7 years in the village where I grew up. It's really hard to see her deterioration and the feeling of having lost her while her body is still alive. For about 6 years she does not know me,  she almost does not talk and she has to be fed like a baby. I can only go to see my mother once or twice a year, since I live far away. I was with her a few days ago and had a long conversation with one of the nurses. She told me that the cause of the arrival of the majority of the patient was the fact that they could no longer be alone at home and some already because they started with Alzheimer's disease. Most of them on arrival took up to 20 different medications a day prescribed for pain, high blood pressure, digestion, etc. At the time these elderly people are diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, they usually can withdraw most of their prescription drugs, since the Alzheimer’s patients are not worried anymore about the past or the future. Can you understand how  this can be possible? I think the only way to explain this is that our brain is producing our own diseases and sometimes even accidents. We have this amazing communication system between our mind and our body, as Josep Soler explains in his book "The Language of the Soul". Our soul gives us clues when we are leaving the road. First an external event occurs, like a flat tire, then a minor illness and, if we do not listen, a disease arises that puts us in bed for a few days or even weeks, to have time to listen to our inner voice. When we look into the eyes of people with Alzheimer's, it feels like the soul is on vacation: it's hard to connect and sometimes if you are lucky,  just for a few seconds, you can see it's there again. I talked to the homes director to see if they accepted to use MyMat in my mother and in the other elderly people. MyMat produces wonderful frequencies that could help them reconnect, but the director said they could not, because it was not accepted as official medicine and that there would be still a long way to go. It’s really sad to accept this but I am glad that there are other institutions that are open for MyMat and let their patients use it. 8 years ago MyMat was born. My mom is at the institution for 12 years now and 8 years in the special department. I see that many of us who work as therapists and healers have wonderful results with patients, but very often it is very difficult to help family and friends. I would love hearing your stories.
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Denisse Barboza
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